Since 2016, a variety of academic services have been provided to Dalhousie University Faculty of Engineering / Department of Civil Engineering as a Course Instructor, Guest Lecturer, Teaching Assistant, Marker, and Academic Advisor. Specific courses:
2019: Idle Reduction Pilot Project (Summer 2019) for Nova Scotia Power Inc.
Project Manager for concept demonstration project. Team activities included information gathering, driver engagement sessions, electronic logging device (ELD) data analysis, project report with recommendations. Objective ELD data results provided observed differences and demonstrated idle time reductions in fleet vehicle idle time. Reduced idle time results in improved fuel efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved maintenance efficiency, and reduced vehicle downtime.
2018: Online Education Course Coordinator.
American and Canadian vehicle fleet drivers, use GoGreen developed "Idle Free" online modules. Results of the driver engagement course objectively demonstrate improved understanding and drivers are motivated to reduce engine idle time in the vehicles they operate.
2017: "Idle Free Calculator" app.
Led a team in development of an online app used in Idle Reduction courses by American and Canadian vehicle fleet drivers. Drivers enter the make, year, and model of their personal vehicles, as well as personal idle habit information. The app calculates the associated annual greenhouse gas emissions for the vehicle associated with idle time, along with the cost of fuel for the year.
2013: Prepared report for the HRM Manager of Solid Waste Resource Management.
This was a peer review of the Stantec Report “Waste Resource Strategy Update” and included potential options, technical recommendations, with a detailed financial review. The “Balloon Study” was a particularly creative, useful, extra, and cost-effective activity.
This report included technical comments regarding:
2007: Led a team in developing and preparing a Climate Change
Infrastructure Vulnerability Evaluation protocol, for a mix of Canada wide federal, provincial, municipal, infrastructure owners and operators. Their activities were administered through Engineers Canada, under the name PIEVC.
PIEVC is the Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee. It has several stakeholders including assistant Deputy Minister / Director people from Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Transport Canada, Infrastructure Canada, National Research Council and others.
Infrastructure of interest was:
2008: Led a PIEVC project for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador,
involving provincial and municipal infrastructure. The 120 day project involved conducting, commissioning and communicating research (e.g. intensity - duration - frequency curves), synthesizing data (e.g. trends in sea level elevation change), carrying out complex analysis, strategic planning and evaluation (e.g. PIEVC risk assessment evaluations) to inform, develop and monitor policy frameworks and strategies for climate change adaptation (e.g. for municipal and provincial infrastructure owner - operators).
The report “Water Resources Public Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment for Placentia, Newfoundland” (co-funded through Engineers Canada) is available online.
2018: (10 Year) Follow Up and Review of PIEVC 2008 Coastal Public Infrastructure Vulnerability Evaluation Case Study in Placentia NL, was presented October 17, 2018 at the Canadian Land Reclamation Association (CLRA) National Conference.